Parliament Australia

Parliament Australia

Parliament Australia

In 1979, Norfolk was granted limited self-government by Australia, under which the island elects a government that runs most of the island's affairs. As such, residents of Norfolk Island are not represented in the Commonwealth Parliament of Australia, making them the only group of residents of an Australian state or territory not represented there.

Parliament Australia

Web Site
 - Parliament Of Australia - Norfolk Island - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Parliament Of Australia - Norfolk Island - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Parliament Australia Oceania
Parliament Australia 2024
A rape took place in Australia’s Parliament, judge finds after three years The Washington Post
Australian judge finds staffer raped colleague in Parliament office NBC News
Former Australian gov’t staffer raped colleague in Parliament, judge finds Al Jazeera English
In Australia, a Validation of Sorts for Brittany Higgins The New York Times