Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea
Calling code : +675
Internet Domain name TLD : - .pg
Papua New Guinea
NICTA National Information And Communication Technology Authority - Telecommunications regulator - telecom companies and systems
Capital Port Moresby
Phones in Papua New Guinea
Country Code : +675
Phones in Papua New Guinea - mobile , fixed, special rate services.
Phone numbers
0xx(x) = operator services
180 xxxx = free call services
188 xxxx = local call services
2xx xxxx = satellite telephones
3xx xxxx = Port Moresby/Papua Region
4xx xxxx = Lae/Morobe region
5xx xxxx = Mount Hagen/Highlands region
6xx xxxx = Daru/Fly region
69x xxxx = AMPS mobile (no longer in use)
68x xxxx = Mobile GSM
7xx xxxx = Goroka/Eastern Highlands region
8xx xxxx = Madang/Sepik region
9xx xxxx = New Guinea Islands region
The international access code is '00'.
Nombor telefon di Papua New Guinea - Bahasa Melayu
Phone Numbers in Papua New Guinea
Independent State of Papua New Guinea - Independen Stet bilong Papua Niugini
Flag  -  -
Location  -
Map : Latitude 9°30′S - longitude 147°07′E - 9.5°S 147.117°E / -9.5;147.117
Official language(s) : English, Tok Pisin, Hiri Motu
People : Papua New Guinean
Government : Federal Constitutional Monarchy and Parliamentary Democracy
Monarch : Queen Elizabeth II
Governor-General : Paulias Matane , 2010
Prime Minister - Sir Michael Somare
Independence - From Australia - Self-governing 1 December 1973 - Independence 16 September 1975
Total Area : 462,840 km ( 178,703 sq mi)
Population 2009 estimate 6,732,000 - 2000 census : 5,190,783 - Density : 14.5/km 37.7/sq mi)
GDP 2009 estimate Total - $13.734 billion - Per capita $2,166
GDP (nominal) - 2009 estimate Total - $7.907 billion - Per capita $1,247
Currency : Papua New Guinean kina (PGK)
Time zone : Australian Eastern Standard Time AEST - Coordinated Universal Time UTC +10 - Summer (DST) - not observed (as of 2005) (UTC+10)
Papua New Guinea - Papua Niugini (PNG), officially the Independent State of Papua New Guinea , is a country in Oceania, occupying the eastern half of the island of New Guinea and numerous offshore islands (the western portion of the island is a part of the Indonesian provinces of Papua and West Papua. It is located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, in a region defined since the early 19th century as Melanesia. The capital is Port Moresby.
Papua New Guinea is one of the most diverse countries on Earth, with over 850 indigenous languages and at least as many traditional societies, out of a population of just under 7 million. It is also one of the most rural, with only 18% of its people living in urban centres.
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