Missionaries preached Christianity in Tokelau from 1845 to the 1860s. FrenchCatholic missionaries on Wallis Island (also known as 'Uvea) and missionaries of the Protestant London Missionary Society in Samoa used native teachers to convert the Tokelauans. Atafu was converted to Protestantism by the London Missionary Society, Nukunonu was converted to Catholicism and Fakaofo was converted to both denominations. 14 - Peruvian slave traders arrived in 1863 and took nearly all (253) of the able-bodied men to work as labourers. The men died of dysentery and smallpox, and very few returned to Tokelau. With this loss, the system of governance became based on the "Taupulega", or "Councils of Elders", where individual families on each atoll were represented. 5 - 11 - During this time, Polynesian immigrants and American, Scottish, French, Portuguese and German beachcombers settled, marrying local women and repopulating the atolls. 11 -
Christianity Tokelau
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Christianity In Tokelau - Tokelau - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Christianity In Tokelau - Tokelau - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Christianity Tokelau Oceania
Christianity Tokelau 2024 Country with zero Muslim population India.com
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