


influenza,syphilis, and leprosy. Many people died as a result of these diseases. Tensions developed into hostilities, and in 1849, the crew of the American ship Cutter were killed and eaten by the Pouma clan.12 - As trade in sandalwood declined, it was replaced by a new form of trade, "Blackbirding". Blackbirding was a euphemism for enslaving people from New Caledonia, the Loyalty Islands, New Hebrides, New Guinea, and the Solomon Islands to work in sugar cane plantations in Fiji and Queensland. The trade ceased at the start of the 20th century. The victims of this trade were called Kanakas like all the Oceanian people, after the Hawaiian word for 'man'.13 - This label was later shortened to Kanak, and adopted by the indigenous population after the French annexation.13 - New Caledonia was made a French possession in late 1853, a part of an attempt by Napoleon III to rival the British colonies in Australia and New Zealand. Auguste Febvrier Despointes led the expedition that seized the island. Following the example set by the United Kingdom in parts of nearby Australia, France sent a total of 22,000 convicted felons to penal colonies along the south-west coast of New Caledonia between 1864 and 1922. This number included regular criminals as well as political prisoners such as Parisian socialists and Kabyle nationalists. Towards the end of the penal colony era, free European settlers (including former convicts) and Asian contract workers by far outnumbered the population of forced workers. The indigenous Kanak populations declined drastically in that same period due to introduced diseases and an apartheid -like system called Code de l'Indigénat which imposed severe restrictions on their livelihood, freedom of movement and land ownership.


Web Site
 - Influenza - New Caledonia - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Influenza - New Caledonia - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Influenza Oceania
Influenza 2024
What's happening with dairy cows and bird flu? The Hub at Johns Hopkins
Avian Influenza In Cattle And A Person Prompts Health Advisory From CDC Forbes
NCDHHS: Avian influenza found in dairy herd in North Carolina WSOC Charlotte
Opinion | H5N1 bird flu has infected a human The Washington Post