Australia Codes

Australia Codes

Codes of Australia

+61 AU - Country Code for Mobile Phones and Whatsapp
Australia Codes (+61) AU / AUS - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+61) Australia Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.AU is the country code for internet and national web sites


City Centre: (02) 90 , 92, 96, 99, 80, 82, 86 or 89
North : (02) 99, 94, 914, 89, 84 or 74
North West: (02) 98, 918, 88, 86 or 78
West: (02) 97, 87, 81 or 77
South West: (02) 95, 915, 85 or 75
South / South East: (02) 93, 913, 83 or 73
Avalon Beach: (02) 99, 94, 89, 84 or 74
Dural: (02) 965, 99, 94, 89, 84 or 74
Blacktown: (02) 962, 98, 88, 86 or 78
Liverpool: (02) 960, 961, 97, 87, 81 or 77
Sutherland Shire: (02) 95, 85 or 75
Non geographic: (02) 96, 99, 90, 91, 80 or 89


City & South: (03) 96, 90, 91 or 86
West: (03) 93, 83 or 73
North East: (03) 94 or 84
East: (03) 98, 88 or 78
South East: (03) 95, 85 or 75
Werribee: (03) 97, 87, 80 or 77
Sunbury: (03) 97, 87, 80 or 77
Kalkallo: (03) 97, 87, 81 or 71
Whittlesea: (03) 97, 87, 81 or 71
Croydon: (03) 97, 87, 82 or 72
Dandenong: (03) 97, 87, 89 or 79
Non geographic: (03) 90, 92, 99 or 70


City Centre: (07) 30, 322, 332, 382, 323, 333, 383 or 22
North East: (07) 36, 336 or 386
North/North West: (07) 35, 325, 326, 335 or 385
West/South West: (07) 37, 327, 337 or 387
South East: (07) 30, 34, 324, 334, 384, 24 or 04
East: (07) 39, 329, 339 or 389
Cleveland: (07) 30, 34, 328, 338, 388, 320, 330, 380 or 28
Beenleigh: (07) 30, 34, 328, 338, 388, 320, 330, 380 or 28
Ipswich: (07) 30, 34, 328, 338, 388, 320, 330, 380 or 28
Samford: (07) 30, 34, 328, 338, 388, 320, 330, 380 or 28
Redcliffe: (07) 30, 34, 328, 338, 388, 320, 330, 380 or 28
Non geographic: (07) 31, 321, 331, 381 or 21


City Centre: (08) 810, 811, 820, 821, 830, 831, 840, 841, 710, 711, 720, 721, 730, 731, 740 or 741
South: (08) 817, 819, 827, 829, 937, 847, 849, 717, 719, 727, 729, 737, 739, 747 or 749
East: (08) 813, 823, 833, 843, 713, 723, 733 or 743
North East: (08) 816, 826, 836, 839, 846, 716, 726, 736 or 746
North West: (08) 814, 824, 834, 844, 714, 724, 734 or 744
West: (08) 815, 825, 835, 845, 715, 725, 735 or 745
Salisbury: (08) 818, 828, 838, 848, 718, 728, 738 or 748
Woodside: (08) 818, 828, 838, 848, 718, 728, 738 or 748
Mt. Barker: (08) 818, 828, 838, 848, 718, 728, 738 or 748
McLaren Vale: (08) 818, 828, 838, 848, 718, 728, 738 or 748
Non geographic: (08) 812, 822, 832, 842, 712, 722, 732, 742 or 70


City & South West: (08) 921, 931, 941, 922, 932, 942, 923, 933, 943, 611, 621, 631, 641, 612, 622, 632, 642, 613, 623, 633, 643, 521, 531, 541, 522, 532, 542, 523, 533 or 543
East/South East: (08) 925, 935, 945, 625, 635 or 645
North East: (08) 927, 937, 947, 627, 637, 647, 527, 537 or 547
North/North West: (08) 924, 934, 944, 920, 930, 940, 624, 634 or 644, 620, 630, 640, 520, 530 or 540
West: (08) 928, 938, 948, 628, 638 or 648
Wanneroo: (08) 920, 930, 940, 620, 630, 640, 520, 530 or 540
Herne Hill: (08) 929, 939, 949, 619, 629, 639, 649, 659, 529, 539 or 549
Kalamunda: (08) 929, 939, 949, 619, 629, 639, 649, 659, 529, 539 or 549
Armadale: (08) 929, 939, 949, 619, 629, 639, 649, 659, 529, 539 or 549
Spearwood: (08) 929, 939, 949, 619, 629, 639, 649, 659, 529, 539 or 549
Rottnest Island: (08) 929, 939, 949, 619, 629, 639, 649, 659, 529, 539 or 549
Non geographic: (08) 926, 936, 946, 610, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 626, 636, 646, 650, 654, 655, 656, 657 or 658

Mobile phone numbers (04)

Generally the following numbers apply for the following mobile companies:

Telstra Corporation Ltd 0400, 0407-0409, 0417-0419, 0427-0429, 04303-04305, 0434, 0437-0439, 0447-0448, 0457, 0458, 04590-04592

Optus Mobile Pty Ltd 0401-0403, 0411-0413, 0421-0423, 04301, 0431-0432, 04350

Vodafone Network Pty Ltd 0404-0406, 0410, 0414-0416, 0420, 0435 (except 04350), 0449-0451, 0424

Hutchison Telecommunications (Australia) Pty Ltd (trading as 'Three') 0424-0425, 04300, 04302, 0433

Virgin Mobile (Australia) Pty Ltd 0466 (Note: Virgin utilises the Optus mobile network, and as such, other mobile operators (Such as Exetel) may also receive numbers in this range)

However mobile number portability means an individual number might have been " ported". There are also many resellers, and many companies buy "air time" from other companies for roaming.

Provider codes

These numbers would be dialled before the 001x code to be billed by a provider other than your normal biller.

1411 - Telstra - Telstra
1414 - AAPT - AAPT
1434 - GOtalk - GOtalk
1441 - Vodafone - Vodafone
1447 - Corporate Holdings - Corporate Holdings
1456 - Optus - Optus
1466 - Primus - Primus
1474 - Powertel - Powertel
1477 - Vocus Communications - Vocus Communications
1488 - Axicorp - Axicorp ----- country-timezones -----
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