New Zealand

New Zealand

New Zealand Phone Numbers - Find Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Phones in New Zealand - Country Code: +64
International Call Prefix: 00


New Zealand Commerce Commission (ComCom) is the Telecommunications Regulator in New Zealand
ComCom Website of the Commerce Commission in New Zealand
- Email: - Tel: 0800 943 600 - Overseas: +64 4 924 3808 (not toll free)
Twitter @nzcomcom
What is ComCom NZ? ComCom is the New Zealand Commerce Commission. ComCom is the telecommunications regulator in New Zealand
Protecting New Zealanders - Know your rights
Consumer Credit - The Credit Contracts and Consumer Finance Act helps protect a consumer when borrowing money. It helps consumers can make informed choices and know the details of agreements. - Consumer credit law
The Commerce Commission is New Zealand's competition enforcement and regulatory agency.
Fair Trading - The Fair Trading Act prohibits false and misleading consumer information. Fair Trading Amendment Act - Unfair Contract Terms Guidelines and consumer fact sheet Interest Rate Swaps: ANZ settlement, ASB settlement, Westpac settlement - Enforcement Response
List of Telecom Companies in New-Zealand - Telecom, Mobile phone, internet
Regulated Industries : Telecommunications, Electricity, Input methodologies, Dairy,
Human Resources and Careers - Address : Wellington, 44 The Terrace, PO Box 2351, Wellington 6140, New Zealand, Fax: (04) 924 3700, Tel: (04) 924 3600,
Auckland, Level 13, 55 Shortland Street, PO Box 105-222, Auckland 1143, New Zealand - Phone / Fax: (09) 920 3481
ComCom Chair, Mark Berry, 2016
White Pages of New Zealand - Find phone numbers in mobile companies. Reverse lookup and area codes by city. Compare smartphones and technical specs.
Find phone numbers in the white pages of New Zealand - Free reverse lookup by and area codes by city. Search people and business by addresses in the phone book.
Yellow Pages of New Zealand
Telecom New Zealand White Pages - Residential, business and government listings. - In English. Telephone Directory
New Zealand Govt / Gas pipelines, Airports, Pan industry projects, Part 4 inquiries, Regulatory calendar, Fact sheets
Legislation Telecommunications Act 2001 DLM124961
MED Sectors and Industries, Technology and Telecommunications
TCF New Zealand Telecommunications Forum Inc
Z Energy’s application for clearance to acquire Chevron New Zealand - Consultation in 2016
Phone Codes. The New Zealand telephone numbering plan describes the allocation of telephone numbers in New Zealand.
Capital Wellington : Is located at : 41°17′S 174°27′E - Largest city Auckland
New Plymouth
Palmerston North
New Zealand (+64) - Wellington + 04 - Dial Code
Wellington - 04
Auckland - 09
Tauranga - 075
Whangarei - 089
Dunedin - (03) 4xx-xxxx
New Zealand Codes (+64) NZ / NZL - Country Code for Mobile Phones, Telephone Calls, Whatsapp Messages and SMS. List of International Dial Code by City. Mobile Phone Companies.
(+64) New Zealand Country Code. International Dial Code. Search by city. Find phone, address, and contacts
.NZ is the country code for internet and national web sites
How can I find Phones in New Zealand?
Country calling Code : +64
ISO 3166 code NZ
Internet TLD .nz
Telephone numbers in New Zealand -
Reorganisation - With the introduction of NEC Stored Program Control exchanges in to the New Zealand telephone network during the 1980's, and the rapid growth in demand, the breakup of the New Zealand Post Office and the creation of Telecom New Zealand, the opportunity arose to standardise local telephone numbers at 7 digits long. In many parts of the country, the old area code was incorporated into the new number, however in some areas the numbers changed completely.
Town/City - Old number - New number
Whangarei - (089) xx-xxx - (09) 43x-xxxx
New Plymouth - (067) xx-xxx - (06) 75x-xxxx
Dunedin - (024) xxx-xxx - (03) 4xx-xxxx
Invercargill - (021) xx-xxx - (03) 21x-xxxx
Palmerston North - Old Historic - Subscriber Toll Dialling (STD) Phone Code : 063
Wellington - Old Historic - Subscriber Toll Dialling (STD) Phone Code : 04
International Number Lengths - The long distance trunk prefix, 0, that is prepended to national numbers is not part of the international number.

Minimum number length after International prefix : 3 digits (Most numbers, other than service numbers, are at least 8 digits.)

Maximum number length after International prefix : 9 digits (Except numbers starting 210 - 10 digits)

Present Numbering Plan - New Zealand follows open dialing plan. Long Distance Prefix: 0

International Call Prefix: 00
Landlines - New Zealand landline phone numbers total eight digits excluding the leading 0: a one-digit area code, and a seven-digit phone number (e.g. 09 700 1234), beginning with a digit between 2 and 9 (but excluding 900, 911, and 999 due to misdial guards). There are five regional area codes: 03, 04, 06, 07, and 09. These must be dialed when calling a recipient outside the local calling area of which the caller is located. For example, one calling Dunedin from Christchurch must dial 03, even though Christchurch is 03 as well.
Code : 024099 for the Scott Base in the Ross Dependency
Code : 03 for the South Island and the Chatham Islands
Code : 04 for the Wellington Region to Kapiti, but not the Wairarapa and Otaki
Code : 06 for the remaining southern and eastern North Island including Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui (excluding Taumarunui), Hawke's Bay, Gisborne, the Wairarapa, and Otaki
Code : 07 for the Waikato, the Bay of Plenty and Taumarunui
Code : 09 for Auckland and Northland
Other Phone Numbers
Toll-free and Premium-rate - Toll-free numbers begin with 0508 or 0800, usually followed by 6 digits (some numbers on 0800 have seven digits). Premium rate services use the code 0900 followed by 5 digits. Local rate numbers, such as internet access numbers, have the prefix 08xx, and are usually followed by 5 digits.
Code : 0508 TelstraClear Tollfree
Code : 0800 Telecom, TelstraClear and other network operators Tollfree
Code : 08xy Various non-geographic services
Code : 083210 Call Minder answerphone service
Code : 08322 Infocall numbers
Code : 0867 Dial-up Internet numbers
Code : 0900 Premium rate services

Service Numbers

Numbers beginning with 01 are for operator services.
Code : 010 National Operator
Code : 0170 International Operator
Code : 0172 International Directory Service
Code : 018 National Directory Service
The '1' codes are for local services, including activating exchange features. The emergency services number is '111'.
Code : 111 Emergency Services Operator (all telephones)
Code : 112 Emergency Services Operator for GSM Mobiles (only)
Code : 11x Not allocatable. internally for specific emergency services.
Code : 12x Network operator repair and sales services.
Code : 13 - 19 Various uses, mainly exchange service.
The mobile network also recognises telephone numbers starting with * , including:
Dial Code: *123 Telecom Mobile Sales and Service
Dial Code: *222 Automobile Association Roadside Service
Dial Code: *500 Coastguard Marine Assistance
Dial Code: *555 Traffic Safety Services (Police non-emergency traffic calls)
Text message numbers for mobile phones are 3 or 4 digits long.

Other useful numbers

Code : 07 832 0000 - automated information (free call) who your toll provider is.
Code : 1956 - reads back number you are currently calling from (includes the area code 03 7654321)
Code : 1957 - reads back the number you are currently calling from (without the area code eg 7654321)
Code : 083201234 - reads back the pilot number of the line you are calling from (if calling from a business line in a stepping group) or the individual number on the Telstra network.
Code : 083201231 - reads back the pilot number as above, with area code
Code : 083201232 - returns the DTMF tones of the line you are calling from
Code : 137 - ringer test (ringback number); when dialled you can select that after you hang up it will call back to test your line rings


Up until the 1970's, New Zealand's telephone network consisted primarily of step-by-step telephone exchanges, with a few rural areas still having manual. Local telephone number lengths varied from 3 to 7 digits depending on the size of exchange and population of the local calling area.

Numerous complex dialling instructions appeared in the front of telephone books explaining the number sequences needed to dial subscribers in local "free calling" areas, and in a few cases for short distance toll calls (which were recorded on manually read meters in some local exchanges). Local calls were "free", and still are for residential customers. Long distance or toll calls required the manual intervention of an operator, who had access to toll circuits, either via an operator's cord board or a toll exchange (switch). Access to the toll operator was by dialling 0 .

Local directory service could be accessed via 100 , telephone faults via 120 , and emergency services via 111 .

The original STD codes were numbered roughly south to north, with a few exceptions. Some of the STD codes were:-

Phone Number Changes: At the same time, the opportunity was taken to move directory service from 100 to 018 and charge for directory service calls. The justification for doing so was the introduction of a directory service computer system that gave access to current New Zealand telephone number listings, not just those printed in the telephone book, and the need for a separate user pays revenue stream for Telecom Directory Services, which was separate to the 5 regional (local) telephone companies, TNI and Telecom Mobile that Telecom had split itself into, as part of the sale of Telecom and deregulation of New Zealand telecommunications services.

Since 1993, land-line telephone numbers in New Zealand consist of a single-digit area code and seven-digit local numbers, the first four of which generally specify the exchange and the final three a line at that exchange.

The New Zealand telephone numbering plan describes the allocation of telephone numbers in New Zealand.

Mobiles - Mobile phone numbers begin 02, followed by seven to nine digits (usually eight), and must always be dialled in full. The first few digits after the 02 indicate the original mobile network that issued the number.
Christchurch - 03
Christchurch - Old Historic - Subscriber Toll Dialling (STD) Phone Code : 03
Town/City - Old number - New number -
Whangarei - (089) xx-xxx - (09) 43x-xxxx
New Plymouth - (067) xx-xxx - (06) 75x-xxxx
Dunedin - (024) xxx-xxx - (03) 4xx-xxxx
Invercargill - (021) xx-xxx - (03) 21x-xxxx
Town/City - Historic STD Code -
Whangarei - 089
Auckland - 09
Tauranga - 075
Hamilton - 071
New Plymouth - 067
Palmerston North - 063
Wellington - 04
Nelson - 054
Christchurch - 03
Dunedin - 024
Invercargill - 021
STD codes were assigned with larger areas having short STD codes (e.g. Auckland - 09), while smaller areas had longer STD codes and shorter local numbers (e.g. Shannon - 06927). The total number length, that is STD code and local number excluding the first 0, usually totalled seven digits, but could vary up to nine - for example the Poisons Information Centre in Dunedin had the eight-digit number (024) 740-999.
With the introduction of NEC Stored Program Control exchanges in to the New Zealand telephone network during the 1980's, and the rapid growth in demand, the breakup of the New Zealand Post Office and the creation of Telecom New Zealand, the opportunity arose to standardise local telephone numbers at 7 digits long. In many parts of the country, the old area code was incorporated into the new number, however in some areas the numbers changed completely.
At the same time, the opportunity was taken to move directory service from 100 to 018 and charge for directory service calls. The justification for doing so was the introduction of a directory service computer system that gave access to current New Zealand telephone number listings, not just those printed in the telephone book, and the need for a separate user pays revenue stream for Telecom Directory Services, which was separate to the 5 regional (local) telephone companies, TNI and Telecom Mobile that Telecom had split itself into, as part of the sale of Telecom and deregulation of New Zealand telecommunications services.

Since 1993, land-line telephone numbers in New Zealand consist of a single-digit area code and seven-digit local numbers, the first four of which generally specify the exchange and the final three a line at that exchange.

International Number Lengths
The long distance trunk prefix, 0, that is prepended to national numbers is not part of the international number.

Minimum number length after International prefix : 3 digits (Most numbers, other than service numbers, are at least 8 digits.)

Maximum number length after International prefix : 9 digits (Except numbers starting 210 - 10 digits)

Present Numbering Plan
New Zealand follows open dialing plan.
Country Code: 64

Long Distance Prefix: 0

International Prefix: 00

New Zealand landline phone numbers total eight digits excluding the leading 0: a one-digit area code, and a seven-digit phone number (e.g. 09 700 1234), beginning with a digit between 2 and 9 (but excluding 900, 911, and 999 due to misdial guards). There are five regional area codes: 03, 04, 06, 07, and 09. These must be dialed when calling a recipient outside the local calling area of which the caller is located. For example, one calling Dunedin from Christchurch must dial 03, even though Christchurch is 03 as well.

The area codes are:

024099 for the Scott Base in the Ross Dependency
03 for the South Island and the Chatham Islands
04 for the Wellington Region to Kapiti, but not the Wairarapa and Otaki
06 for the remaining southern and eastern North Island including Taranaki, Manawatu-Wanganui (excluding Taumarunui), Hawke's Bay, Gisborne, the Wairarapa, and Otaki
07 for the Waikato, the Bay of Plenty and Taumarunui
09 for Auckland and Northland
Mobile Phones
Mobile phone numbers begin 02, followed by seven to nine digits (usually eight), and must always be dialled in full. The first few digits after the 02 indicate the original mobile network that issued the number.
Prefix - Network - Number length - Notes -
020 - Orcon - -
021 - Vodafone - 6 to 8 digits -
022 - 2degrees - 7 digits - 2degrees was launched in August 2009.
023 - 360 Mobile, Moblopia - - Moblopia was acquired by 360 Mobile (MVNO). 360 Mobile is starting in September. 023 is owned by TelstraClear
024 - Unused - - Protected by Management Committee 30.01.09 to preserve the potential code expansion option.
025 - Unused - 6-7 digits - Was used by Telecom New Zealand until it was shut down on 31 March 2007. All numbers have now migrated to 027 (7-digit) and 0274 (6-digit).
027 - Telecom New Zealand - 7 digits -
0280 - Compass Communications - -
028 - Mainly CallPlus - -
0283 - Teletraders MVNO - -
02885 - M2 MVNO - -
029 - TelstraClear - -
The introduction of mobile number portability on 1 April 2007 meant that an increasing number of mobiles will be operating on a different network to that which originally assigned the number. To find out whether a particular number belongs to a specific network provider, one can text the mobile number of interest to 300. It is a free service provided by both Telecom and Vodafone. Reply will be sent to verify whether the number is operating on their network or not.

Toll-free and Premium-rate

Toll-free numbers begin with 0508 or 0800, usually followed by 6 digits (some numbers on 0800 have seven digits). Premium rate services use the code 0900 followed by 5 digits. Local rate numbers, such as internet access numbers, have the prefix 08xx, and are usually followed by 5 digits.

0508 TelstraClear Tollfree
0800 Telecom, TelstraClear and other network operators Tollfree
08xy Various non-geographic services
083210 Call Minder answerphone service
08322 Infocall numbers
0867 Dial-up Internet numbers
0900 Premium rate services

Service Numbers

Numbers beginning with 01 are for operator services.

010 National Operator
0170 International Operator
0172 International Directory Service
018 National Directory Service
The '1' codes are used for local services, including activating exchange features. The emergency services number is '111'.
111 Emergency Services Operator (all telephones)
112 Emergency Services Operator for GSM Mobiles (only)
11x Not allocatable. Used internally for specific emergency services.
12x Network operator repair and sales services.
13 - 19 Various uses, mainly exchange service.
The mobile network also recognises telephone numbers starting with * , including:
*123 Telecom Mobile Sales and Service
*222 Automobile Association Roadside Service
*500 Coastguard Marine Assistance
*555 Traffic Safety Services (Police non-emergency traffic calls)
Text message numbers for mobile phones are 3 or 4 digits long.
Other useful numbers
07 832 0000 - automated information (free call) who your toll provider is.
1956 - reads back number you are currently calling from (includes the area code 03 7654321)
1957 - reads back the number you are currently calling from (without the area code eg 7654321)
083201234 - reads back the pilot number of the line you are calling from (if calling from a business line in a stepping group) or the individual number on the Telstra network.
083201231 - reads back the pilot number as above, with area code
083201232 - returns the DTMF tones of the line you are calling from
137 - ringer test (ringback number); when dialled you can select that after you hang up it will call back to test your line rings
New Zealand has no dedicated series of fictional telephone numbers. Television shows and movies generally use any available range of numbers (e.g. the TVNZ soap opera Shortland Street uses the unassigned (09) 4299 number range.).
Ministry of Economic Development information to ITU
Number Administration Deed (NAD)
Number Register maintained by the NAD (Current information)
Telephone Numbering Scheme, Access Codes Allocation and National Toll Codes from Telecom New Zealand website (Older information)
Radio NZ
 - Geonet NZ : Quakes, Tsunami, Volcano - Alerts and Geo Information - Is the official source of geological hazard information for New Zealand.
Felt Quakes: feed of latest potentially felt earthquakes
Volcanic Alert Levels: feed of current New Zealand Volcanic Alert Levels
Aviation Colour Codes: feed of current New Zealand Aviation Colour Codes
News: feed that is a combined list with both GeoNet news articles and Alert Bulletins
Geonet Real Time News
Social Networks :
Hamilton - 071
Government NZ
Government : Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Monarch : Elizabeth II , 2016
Governor-General : Patsy Reddy , 2016
Prime Minister : John Key, 2016
Legislature Parliament (House of Representatives)
Independence from the United Kingdom. Responsible government : 7 May 1856. Dominion : 26 September 1907. Statute of Westminster adopted : 25 November 1947. De jure independence : 10 December 1947 .
Area Total 268,021 km2 (75th) (103,483 sq mi) - Water (%) 1.6
Population 2016 estimate 4,731,910[7] (123rd) - 2013 census 4,242,048 - Density 17.5/km2 (205th) (45.4/sq mi)
Economy : GDP (PPP) 2016 estimate - Total $173.2 billion[8] (67th) - Per capita $36,950
GDP (nominal) 2016 estimate - Total $169.9 billion[8] - Per capita $36,254[8]
Gini (2014) 33.0 medium
HDI Human Development Index (2014) Increase 0.913 very high (9th)
Currency New Zealand dollar ($) (NZD)
Time zone NZST[n 5] (UTC+12) - Summer (DST) NZDT[n 6] (UTC+13)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Drives on the left
Te Arah The Encyclopedia of New Zealand
New Zealand Tourism
National Register Nueva Zelanda Government and Online Public Services. Phone and Address. Find Public and Private Companies
Nueva Zelanda (New Zealand)
New Zealand Government Online
Nueva Zelanda - Find Online Services
Governor General of New Zealand - Gobernador General
Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand - Primer Ministra (PM) 2020  -
New Zealand : Gobernador General (Governor General) - Dame Patsy Reddy (2017 *)
Prime Minister - Jacinda Ardern (2017 *)
Lieutenant General Sir Jerry Mateparae, GNZM, QSO, Gobernador General (Governor General) of Nueva Zelanda (2012)
John Key, Prime Minister of Nueva Zelanda (2012)
Murray McCully, Minister of Foreign Assets of Nueva Zelanda (2012)
Her Majesty : Queen Elizabeth II (2012)
Parliament - Parlamento
New Zealand Government - Gobierno
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet - Prime Minister
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry - Ministerio of Agricultura / Te Manatu Ahuwhenua, Ngaherehere
Quarantine Service
Biosecurity Council
Department of Conservation Conservacion / Te Papa Atawhai
Department of Corrections Correcciones
Department for Courts Cortes / Te Tari Kooti
Ministry for Culture and Heritage - Ministerio of Cultura y Herencia / Te Manatu Taonga
Creative New Zealand - Arts Council of New Zealand / Toi Aotearoa
NZFC New Zealand Film Commission - Comision of Cine / Te Tumu Whakaata Taonga
NZ On Air Broadcasting Commission
Ministry of Defence - Ministerio of Defensa / Manatu Kaupapa Waonga
New Zealand Army / Ngati Tumatauenga
Royal New Zealand Air Force - Fuerza Aerea Real / Te Hokowhitu o Kahurangi
Royal New Zealand Navy / Te Taua Moana o Aotearoa
Ministry of Economic Development - Ministerio of Desarrollo Economico / Manatu Ohanga
Business and Registries Branch - Negocios y Registros
IPONZ Intellectual Property Office of New Zealand - Propiedad Intelectual
NZISO New Zealand Industrial Supplies Office
Ministry of Consumer Affairs / Manatu Kaihokohoko
EECA Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority
Commerce Commission of New Zealand Comercio
Electrical Workers Registration Board Registro of Trabajadores Electricos
Ministry of Education - Ministerio of Educacion / Te Tahuhu o Te Matauranga
ERO Education Review Office - Oficina of Revision de la Educacion / Te Tari Arotake Matauranga
NZQA New Zealand Qualifications Authority / Mana Tohu Matauranga o Aotearoa
ECDU Early Childhood Development Unit / Nga Kaitaunaki Kohungahunga
NZCER New Zealand Council for Educational Research / Te Runanga Aotearoa Mo Te Rangahau I Te Matauranga
Ministry for the Environment - Ministerio of Ambiente / Manatu Mo Te Taiao
ERMA Environmental Risk Management Authority - Autoridad of Manejo of Riesgo Ambiental
Ministry of Fisheries - Ministerio of Pesca / Te Tautiaki i nga tini a Tangaroa
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Ministerio of Foreign Assets y Comercio / Manatu Aorere
Ministry of Health - Ministerio of Salud / Manatu Hauora
MEDSAFE New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority
NZHIS New Zealand Health Information Service - Servicio of Informacion
NRL National Radiation Laboratory
NHC National Advisory Committee on Health and Disability - Salud y Personas con Discapacidad
MHC Mental Health Commission
Ministry of Housing - Ministerio of Vivienda / Te Whare Ahuru
IRD Inland Revenue Department Impuestos e Ingresos / Te Tari Taake
Department of Internal Affairs Asuntos of Internet / Te Tari Taiwhenua
Births, Deaths and Marriages Office - Oficina of Nacimientos, Matrimonios y Fallecidos
Passports Office Pasaportes
Citizenship Office Ciudadanos
OTSp Office of Tourism and Sport - Turismo y Deporte
New Zealand Millennium Office / Te Tari Mano Tau o Aotearoa
Ministry for Emergency Management Manejo of Emergencias / Te Rakau Whakamarumaru
National Archives of New Zealand Archivos Nacionales / Te Whare Tohu Tuhituhinga o Aotearoa
Ministerial Services Unit
Ministry of Justice - Ministerio of Justicia / Te Manatu Ture
Office of Treaty Settlements / Te Tari Whakatau Take e pa ana Ki te Tiriti o Waitangi
Department of Labour Trabajo / Te Tari Mahi
OSH Occupational Safety and Health Service - Servicio of Seguridad y Salud Ocupacional
NZIS New Zealand Immigration Service - Servicio of Inmigracion / Te Ratonga Manene
Industrial Relations Service
Work and Income New Zealand / Te Hiranga Tangata
Land Information New Zealand / Toitu Te Whenua
Crown Law Office
TPK Ministry of Maori Development / Te Puni Kokiri (TPK)
Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs
Ministry of Reencontrar, Science and Technology Ministerio of Ciencia y Tecnologia / Te Manatu Putaiao
Ministry of Social Policy / Te Manatu mo nga Kaupapa Oranga Tangata
New Zealand Treasury Tesoro / Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa
NZDMO New Zealand Debt Management Office
EQC Earthquake Commission - Comision of Terremotos
Ministry of Women's Affairs - Ministerio of Asuntos de la Mujer / Minitatanga Mo Nga Wahine
Ministry of Youth Affairs - Ministerio of Asuntos de la Juventud / Te Tari Taiohi
New Zealand Police / Nga Pirihimana O Aotearoa
CAA Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand - Autoridad of Aviacion Civil / Te Mana Rereangi Tumatanui o Aotearoa
LTSA Land Transport Safety Authority - Land Transport Safety Authority Autoridad of Seguridad y Transporte
NRFA National Rural Fire Authority - Bomberos
HFA Health Funding Authority
PHARMAC Pharmaceutical Management Agency - Farmacias y Farmaceuticas
BSA Broadcasting Standards Authority / Te Mana Whanonga Kaipaho
Maori Broadcasting Funding Agency / Te Mangai Paho
New Zealand Customs Service Aduanas / Te Mana Arai o Aotearoa
Statistics New Zealand Estadisticias / Te Tari Tatau
Antarctica New Zealand
TRADENZ New Zealand Trade Development Board
NZTB New Zealand Tourism Board
State Services Commission / Te Komihana o Nga Tari Kawanatanga
OIC Overseas Investment Commission - Comision of Inversiones
Securities Commission
Law Commission Comision of Leyes / Te Aka Matua o Te Ture
TAIC Transport Accident Investigation Commission - Investigacion of Accidentes of Transporte / Te Komihana Tirotiro Aitua Waka
Hillary Commission for Sport, Fitness and Leisure / Te Komihana Haakinakina a Hillary
ALAC - Alcohol Advisory Council of New Zealand / Te Kaunihera Whakatupato Waipiro o Aotearoa
HRC Human Rights Commission - Derechos Humanos / Komihana Tikanga Tangata
Electoral Commission Elecciones - Comision Electoral / Te Kaitiaki Taki Kowhiri
Health and Disability Commissioner Comisionado of Discapacidad / Te Toihau Hauroa, Hauatanga
Office of the Privacy Commissioner Comisionado of Privacidad / Te Mana Matapono Matatapu
Office of the Ombudsmen / Te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata
RBNZ Reserve Bank of New Zealand - Banco of Reservas
TVNZ Television New Zealand - TV
RNZI Radio New Zealand International - Radio Emisora
Office of the Controller and Auditor-General Controlador y Auditor General / Te Mana Arotake
Auckland Regional Council
Bay of Plenty Regional Council
Hawke's Bay Regional Council
Northland Regional Council
Otago Regional Council
Taranaki Regional Council
Wellington Regional Council
Municipal Institutions:
Auckland City Council
Carterton District Council
Chatham Islands Council
Christchurch City Council
Dunedin City Council
Franklin District Council
Gisborne District Council
Gore District Council
Hamilton City Council
Hastings District Council
Hurunui District Council
Hutt City Council
Invercargill City Council
Kapiti Coast District Council
Manawatu District Council
Manukau City Council
Matamata-Piako District Council
Napier City Council
Nelson City Council
New Plymouth District Council
North Shore City Council
Palmerston North City Council
Papakura District Council
Porirua City Council
Rodney District Council
Southland District Council
Tararua District Council
Tasman District Council
Tauranga District Council
Thames Coromandel District Council
Waitakere City Council
Waitomo District Council
Wanganui District Council
Wellington City Council
Westland District Council
Whangarei District Council
Embassies and Consulates
New Zealand High Commission in Ottawa, Canada
New Zealand Tourism Office in Taipei, China (Republic)
New Zealand High Commission in London, Great Britain and Northern Ireland
New Zealand Embassy in Tokyo, Japan
New Zealand High Commission in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea
New Zealand Embassy in Moscow, Russian Federation
New Zealand High Commission in Singapore
New Zealand Embassy in Washington, United States of America
New Zealand Mission to the United Nations in New York
Elections and Politic Parties
Labour Party
National Party
New Zealand Young Nationals
ACT New Zealand
Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand
New Zealand First
CHP Christian Heritage Party of New Zealand
ALCP Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party
Future New Zealand
United New Zealand
CPA Communist Party of Aotearoa
Socialist Party of Aotearoa (SPA)
Gordon Watson Branch
Natural Law Party of New Zealand
WPNZ Workers' Party of New Zealand
NZSDP NZ Super Democratic Party
Standards New Zealand
New Zealand Phones - Find Phones and Internet Services
New Zealand - Aotearoa
Idiomas Oficiales: English, Maori
Spark New Zealand
Company Name : Spark New Zealand Ltd.
Spark chairman Mark Verbiest 2016
Spark managing director Simon Moutter. 2016


Company : Spark
Website :  Spark

Phone : (+64) 0800 800 123 / 120 / 0800 22 55 98
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Discover Our Innovative Services for Connectivity with Spark NZ

About Spark:

Spark is a leading telecommunications company in New Zealand that offers a wide range of services to its customers. The company has been in operation for over 30 years and has established itself as a reliable and trustworthy provider of telecommunications services.

Services Offered:

Spark offers a variety of services to meet the needs of its customers. The company offers mobile phone services, internet services, and home phone services. Customers can choose from a range of plans to fit their needs and budget. Spark also offers a range of devices, including smartphones and tablets, to its customers.


Spark's tariffs are competitive and offer value for money. Customers can choose from a range of plans to fit their needs and budget. Spark also offers a range of add-ons, such as international calling and data packs, to its customers.


Spark has extensive coverage across New Zealand, with coverage in both urban and rural areas. The company is committed to expanding its coverage to ensure that its customers have access to reliable telecommunications services, no matter where they are located.

Industry News:

Spark is at the forefront of the telecommunications industry in New Zealand and is always looking for ways to improve its services. The company recently announced that it will be investing in 5G technology to provide faster and more reliable internet services to its customers. This investment will help to further enhance the company's position as a leading provider of telecommunications services in New Zealand.

In conclusion:

Spark is a leading telecommunications company in New Zealand that offers a wide range of services to its customers at competitive prices. The company has extensive coverage across the country and is committed to expanding its services to ensure that its customers have access to reliable telecommunications services. With its commitment to innovation and investment in new technologies, Spark is well-positioned to continue to be a leader in the telecommunications industry in New Zealand.

Plans :

Spark plans in New Zealand

  • Endless Plan $65.00/month:

    • Unlimited calls and texts in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited data at reduced speed after 14GB at full speed.

    • Unlimited SMS in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited minutes to mobile phones and landlines in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Price: $65.00/month.

  • Endless Plan $85.00/month:

    • Unlimited calls and texts in New Zealand and Australia.

    • 50GB of data at full speed and unlimited data at reduced speed after that.

    • Unlimited SMS in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited minutes to mobile phones and landlines in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Includes free Spotify Premium.

    • Price: $85.00/month.

  • Endless Plan $100.00/month:

    • Unlimited calls and texts in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited data.

    • Unlimited SMS in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited minutes to mobile phones and landlines in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Includes free Spotify Premium.

    • Price: $100.00/month.

Prepaid :

Spark prepaid plans in New Zealand

  • Data Plan:

    • Price: $15.00/month.

    • Ideal as a backup when you need data on the go.

    • Limited data of 3GB*.

    • With data accumulation function.

  • Endless Data Plan:

    • Price: $22.99/month.

    • Perfect if you need unlimited data on the go and already have an eligible plan.

    • Unlimited data of 40GB at maximum speed.

    • Unlimited data at reduced speed afterward.* This change may affect your experience.

  • Data Plan:

    • Price: $29.99/month.

    • Perfect for bringing data to your tablet or laptop when you're on the go.

    • Limited data of 10GB*.

    • With data accumulation function.


Company : Vodafone
Website :  Vodafone

Phone : (+64) 0800 800 021
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

Vodafone NZ: Connecting Kiwis to a World of Possibilities

Experience Vodafone New Zealand's extensive network and services for seamless communication and entertainment. Vodafone is a prominent telecommunications company operating in New Zealand, providing a wide range of services to its customers. With a strong reputation for reliability, quality, and innovation, Vodafone has established itself as a leading player in the industry.

Services and Tariffs:

Vodafone offers a range of services to its customers, including mobile, broadband, and TV services. The company provides flexible plans that cater to the needs of different customers, with options for unlimited data, international calling, and other add-ons. Vodafone's tariffs are competitive, and the company regularly introduces new deals and promotions to provide value to its customers.


Vodafone has a broad network coverage across New Zealand, providing reliable services to customers in both urban and rural areas. The company has consistently invested in its infrastructure to improve the quality and speed of its services, ensuring that customers have access to fast and reliable connectivity.

Industry News:

In recent years, the telecommunications industry in New Zealand has seen significant changes, with new players entering the market and increasing competition. In response, Vodafone has continued to innovate and expand its services, introducing new technologies and partnerships to improve its offerings. In 2020, Vodafone announced a partnership with Sky TV to provide customers with a range of TV and streaming services, further enhancing its position in the market.


Vodafone is a trusted and reliable telecommunications provider in New Zealand, offering a range of services to meet the needs of its customers. With a commitment to quality, innovation, and customer service, Vodafone remains a leading player in the industry.

Plans :

Vodafone plans in New Zealand

  • Small: $45 per month.

    • Data: 5GB data at full speed, then unlimited data at reduced speeds.

    • Unlimited calls and texts to standard New Zealand and Australian numbers.

    • Hotspot included.

    • Wifi Calling included.

    • One NZ Rewards.

    • Plan without a fixed term (Open term plan).

    • Ready for 5G.

  • One Plan (Recommended Plan): $80 per month.

    • You can add up to 3 add-on plans for $40 per month each.

    • 250 minutes and 50 text messages to standard numbers in 20 international destinations.

    • Hotspot included.

    • Wifi Calling included.

    • One NZ Rewards.

    • Plan without a fixed term (Open term plan).

    • Ready for 5G.

  • Medium: $65 per month.

    • Data: 15GB of data at full speed, then unlimited data at reduced speeds.

    • Unlimited calls and texts to standard New Zealand and Australian numbers.

    • You can add up to 3 add-on plans for $35 per month each.

    • 250 minutes and 50 text messages to standard numbers in 20 international destinations.

    • Hotspot included.

    • Wifi Calling included.

    • One NZ Rewards.

    • Plan without a fixed term (Open term plan).

    • Ready for 5G.


Company : 2degrees
Website :  2degrees

Phone : (+64) 0800 022 022 / 200 / (+64) 22 200 2000 (International)
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

2degrees NZ: Unleash the Power of Mobile Freedom

Discover 2degrees New Zealand and their commitment to providing mobile services that keep you in control. 2degrees is a leading telecommunications company operating in New Zealand, providing a range of innovative services to its customers. With a focus on simplicity, value, and customer service, 2degrees has established itself as a popular choice for consumers and businesses alike.

Services and Tariffs:

2degrees offers a range of services to its customers, including mobile, broadband, and business services. The company provides flexible plans that cater to the needs of different customers, with options for unlimited data, international calling, and other add-ons. 2degrees' tariffs are competitive, and the company regularly introduces new deals and promotions to provide value to its customers.


2degrees has a broad network coverage across New Zealand, providing reliable services to customers in both urban and rural areas. The company has consistently invested in its infrastructure to improve the quality and speed of its services, ensuring that customers have access to fast and reliable connectivity.

Industry News:

2degrees has been at the forefront of innovation in the telecommunications industry in New Zealand, introducing new technologies and partnerships to improve its services. In 2020, the company announced a partnership with Amazon Web Services to provide cloud services to its business customers, further enhancing its offerings.


2degrees is an innovative and customer-focused telecommunications provider in New Zealand, offering a range of services to meet the needs of its customers. With a commitment to simplicity, value, and innovation, 2degrees remains a popular choice for consumers and businesses alike.

Plans :

2degree plans in New Zealand

  • $35/month plan:

    • Data: 3GB of data.

    • Cumulative data (Carryover Data).

    • One hour of free data every day.

    • 300 cumulative minutes to New Zealand and Australian numbers.

    • Unlimited calls to 2degrees mobiles.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Share data (Shared Data).

    • Hotspot included.

    • Ready for 5G.

  • $45 per month plan:

    • Data: 6GB of data.

    • Cumulative data (Carryover Data).

    • One hour of free data every day.

    • Unlimited calls to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Share data (Shared Data).

    • Hotspot included.

    • Ready for 5G.

    • Group plans available from $30 per month.

  • $60 per month plan:

    • Data: 16GB of data.

    • Cumulative data (Carryover Data).

    • One hour of free data every day.

    • Unlimited calls to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Share data (Shared Data).

    • Hotspot included.

    • Ready for 5G.

    • Group plans available from $30 per month.

Prepaid :

2degrees prepaid plans in New Zealand

  • $10 a month plan:

    • Data: 250MB of data.

    • Cumulative data (Carryover Data).

    • One hour of free data every day.

    • 100 cumulative minutes to New Zealand and Australian numbers.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited calls to 2degrees mobiles.

    • Valid for one full month.

    • Free voicemail.

    • Hotspot included.

    • Ready for 5G.

  • $19/month plan:

    • Data: 1.5GB of data.

    • Cumulative data (Carryover Data).

    • One hour of free data every day.

    • 200 cumulative minutes to New Zealand and Australian numbers.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited calls to 2degrees mobiles.

    • Valid for one full month.

    • Free voicemail.

    • Hotspot included.

    • Ready for 5G.

  • $30/month plan:

    • Data: 3GB of data.

    • Cumulative data (Carryover Data).

    • One hour of free data every day.

    • 300 cumulative minutes to New Zealand and Australian numbers.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited calls to 2degrees mobiles.

    • Valid for one full month.

    • Free voicemail.

    • Hotspot included.

    • Ready for 5G.


Company : Skinny
Website :  Skinny

Phone : 2424 / (+64) 3 371 0866
Social Networks Facebook Instagram Youtube

Skinny NZ: Your Go-To for Affordable Mobile Solutions

Skinny New Zealand offers straightforward, no-fuss mobile services for budget-conscious customers. Skinny is a leading mobile services provider operating in New Zealand, offering affordable and flexible plans to its customers. With a focus on simplicity, value, and customer service, Skinny has established itself as a popular choice for consumers seeking a no-frills, affordable mobile experience.

Services and Tariffs:

Skinny offers a range of mobile services to its customers, including prepay and postpay plans with options for unlimited data, international calling, and other add-ons. The company's tariffs are among the most affordable in the market, providing a cost-effective alternative to other providers.


Skinny has a broad network coverage across New Zealand, providing reliable services in both urban and rural areas. The company has consistently invested in its infrastructure to improve the quality and speed of its services, ensuring that customers have access to fast and reliable connectivity.

Industry News:

In 2020, Skinny announced a partnership with Netflix to provide its customers with exclusive access to the streaming platform's content. The partnership was a significant move for the company, providing added value to its customers and helping to further establish its position in the market.


Skinny is an affordable and customer-focused mobile services provider in New Zealand, offering a range of plans to meet the needs of its customers. With a commitment to simplicity, value, and innovation, Skinny remains a popular choice for consumers seeking an affordable mobile experience.

Plans :

Skinny plans in New Zealand

  • $17 every 4 weeks plan:

    • Data: 1.5GB of data (Rollover Data).

    • 200 cumulative minutes for calls to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited minutes for calls between Skinny users (Unlimited Skinny Mins).

    • Price: $17 every 4 weeks.

    • Ready for 5G.

  • $27 plan every 4 weeks:

    • Data: 3GB of data (Rollover Data).

    • 300 cumulative minutes for calls to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited minutes for calls between Skinny users (Unlimited Skinny Mins).

    • Price: $27 every 4 weeks.

    • Ready for 5G.

  • $40 plan every 4 weeks:

    • Data: 5GB data in New Zealand (at full speed, including hotspotting) and unlimited data in New Zealand at reduced speeds (Endless NZ Data).

    • Unlimited minutes for calls to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited text messages to New Zealand and Australia.

    • Price: $40 every 4 weeks.

Prepaid :

Skinny Prepaid Plans in New Zealand

  • $5 plan for 7 days:

    • Data: 100MB of data in New Zealand.

    • 60 minutes of calls to New Zealand numbers.

    • 750 text messages to New Zealand numbers.

    • Automatic Renewal Bonus: Includes 500 calling minutes and 500 text messages for calls and text messages between Skinny numbers.

    • Validity: 7 days.

  • $20 plan for 7 days:

    • Data: 10GB of data in New Zealand at maximum speed, including hotspotting, and unlimited data in New Zealand at reduced speeds (Endless NZ Data).

    • Unlimited minutes for calls to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Unlimited text messages to numbers in New Zealand and Australia.

    • Validity: 7 days.


Company : Slingshot
Website :

Phone : (+64) 0800 89 2000 / (+64) 9 929 0418 (International)
Social Networks Facebook Twitter

Slingshot NZ – Improving your internet experience

Experience faster, more reliable internet with Slingshot New Zealand broadband and home phone services.

Slingshot NZ: Elevating Your Internet Experience

Experience faster, more reliable internet with Slingshot New Zealand's broadband and home phone services. Slingshot stands out as a prominent provider of broadband and mobile services within the New Zealand market. The company presents a variety of offerings to its clientele, prioritizing simplicity, ingenuity, and customer support, making it a favored option for both individual consumers and businesses.

Service Variety and Pricing:

Slingshot extends a comprehensive assortment of services to its patrons, encompassing broadband, mobile, and power services. The firm supplies flexible plans designed to accommodate the diverse requirements of its customer base. These plans encompass features such as unlimited data, international calling, and various add-ons. Slingshot's pricing is competitive, and the company regularly introduces fresh promotions and deals to deliver added value to its clientele.

Expansive Coverage:

Slingshot maintains an extensive network coverage that spans across New Zealand, ensuring dependable service delivery to clients residing in urban and rural locales alike. The company has consistently invested in enhancing its infrastructure to augment the quality and speed of its services, guaranteeing swift and reliable connectivity for its customers.

Recent Developments:

In 2020, Slingshot unveiled a strategic partnership with Netflix, granting exclusive content access to its customers from the popular streaming platform. This collaboration marked a significant milestone for the company, further enhancing the offerings provided to its clients and strengthening its market presence.

In Conclusion:

Slingshot distinguishes itself as a customer-centric and forward-thinking provider of broadband and mobile services in New Zealand, boasting a comprehensive array of services to fulfill the diverse needs of its customer base. Their unwavering dedication to simplicity, affordability, and top-notch customer service ensures that Slingshot remains the go-to choice for both individual consumers and businesses.

Plans :

Plan 1:

  • Plan 1: 5GB cumulative data for $40 per month.

  • Includes 300 cumulative minutes for calls to NZ & Aussie.

  • Unlimited texts to NZ & Aussie.

  • Hotspotting included.

  • Ready for 5G.

Plan 2:

  • Plan 2: 10GB cumulative data for $50 per month.

  • Unlimited calls to NZ & Aussie.

  • Unlimited texts to NZ & Aussie.

  • Hotspotting included.

  • Ready for 5G.

  • Group plans available – add up to 5 members to the group for only $30 extra per SIM.

Plan 3:

  • Plan 3: 16GB cumulative data for $60 per month.

  • Unlimited calls to NZ & Aussie.

  • Unlimited texts to NZ & Aussie.

  • Hotspotting included.

  • Ready for 5G.

  • Group plans available – add up to 5 members to the group for only $30 extra per SIM.

Plan 4 (new):

  • Plan 4 (new): Unlimited 100GB data for $75 per month.

  • 100GB maximum speed, then unlimited data at reduced speeds.

  • Unlimited calls to NZ & Aussie.

  • Unlimited texts to NZ & Aussie.

  • Hotspotting included.

  • Ready for 5G.

  • Group plans available – add up to 5 members to the group for only $35 extra per SIM.


Company : Orcon
Website :  Orcon

Phone : (+64) 0800 13 14 15
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram Youtube

Orcon NZ: A World of Possibilities with Every Connection

Orcon New Zealand delivers high-speed broadband and other digital services to transform your online experience.

Orcon is a leading broadband and business services provider operating in New Zealand, offering a wide range of services to its customers. With a focus on innovation, reliability, and customer service, Orcon has established itself as a prominent player in the industry.

Services and Tariffs:

Orcon offers a range of services to its customers, including broadband, VOIP, and business services. The company provides flexible plans that cater to the needs of different businesses, with options for unlimited data, international calling, and other add-ons. Orcon's tariffs are competitive, and the company regularly introduces new deals and promotions to provide value to its customers.


Orcon has a broad network coverage across New Zealand, providing reliable services to customers in both urban and rural areas. The company has consistently invested in its infrastructure to improve the quality and speed of its services, ensuring that businesses have access to fast and reliable connectivity.

Industry News:

In 2020, Orcon announced that it had become the first ISP in New Zealand to offer a 10Gbps service to its business customers. The move was a significant milestone for the company, providing businesses with access to the fastest internet speeds available in the country.


Orcon is an innovative and customer-focused broadband and business services provider in New Zealand, offering a range of services to meet the needs of its customers. With a commitment to innovation, reliability, and customer service, Orcon remains a leading player in the industry.

Plans :

Our mobile plans

Basic Plan

  • Basic Plan: $20/monthly

  • 1.5GB NZ Carry Over Data

  • 200 NZ & Aus Calling Mins

  • Unlimited NZ & Aus texts

Value Plan

  • Value Plan: $25/monthly

  • 2.5GB NZ Carry Over Data

  • 300 NZ & Aus Calling Mins

  • Unlimited NZ & Aus texts

Unlimited Texts & Calling

  • Unlimited Texts & Calling: $43/monthly

  • 6GB NZ Carry Over Data

  • Unlimited NZ & Aus Calling Mins

  • Unlimited NZ & Aus texts

Ultra Plan

  • Ultra Plan: $55/monthly

  • 12GB NZ Carry Over Data

  • Unlimited NZ & Aus Calling Mins

  • Unlimited NZ & Aus texts


Company : Trustpower
Website :  Trustpower

Phone : (+64) 0800 87 87 87 / +64 800 369 850
Social Networks Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Youtube

Trustpower NZ: Where Connectivity Meets Convenience

Explore Trustpower New Zealand for an array of services, from power to ultra-fast broadband, all in one package.

Trustpower is a leading provider of utilities and telecommunications services operating in New Zealand, offering a range of services to its customers. With a focus on innovation, sustainability, and customer service, Trustpower has established itself as a prominent player in the industry.

Services and Tariffs:

Trustpower offers a range of services to its customers, including electricity, gas, broadband, and mobile services. The company provides flexible plans that cater to the needs of different customers, with options for unlimited data, international calling, and other add-ons. Trustpower's tariffs are competitive, and the company regularly introduces new deals and promotions to provide value to its customers.


Trustpower has a broad network coverage across New Zealand, providing reliable services to customers in both urban and rural areas. The company has consistently invested in its infrastructure to improve the quality and speed of its services, ensuring that customers have access to fast and reliable connectivity.

Industry News:

In 2020, Trustpower announced that it had completed the construction of a new wind farm in New Zealand, further enhancing its commitment to sustainability. The wind farm is expected to provide enough renewable energy to power over 70,000 homes, demonstrating Trustpower's commitment to delivering sustainable solutions to its customers.


Trustpower is a customer-focused and innovative provider of utilities and telecommunications services in New Zealand, offering a range of services to meet the needs of its customers. With a commitment to sustainability, innovation, and customer service, Trustpower remains a leading player in the industry.

Plans :


    • $39 per month

    • Unlimited Texts in NZ and Aus

    • Unlimited Minutes in NZ and Aus

    • Includes a $5 discount on the Mobile Package

    • Maximum speeds are reduced after 4GB


    • $59 per month

    • Unlimited Texts in NZ and Aus

    • Unlimited Minutes in NZ and Aus

    • Includes a $5 discount on the Mobile Package

    • Maximum speeds are reduced after 10GB


    • $79 per month

    • Unlimited Texts in NZ and Aus

    • Unlimited Minutes in NZ and Aus

    • Includes a $5 discount on the Mobile Package

    • Maximum speeds are reduced after 40GB. Data sharing or hotspot functionality is not included unless you purchase an additional Hotspot Package.

Prepaid :

  • Plan 1:

    • 1.25GB CAPPED+ data for $19 per month.

    • Unlimited texts in NZ and Aus.

    • 200 minutes in NZ and Aus.

    • Includes a $5 discount on the Mobile Package.

    • Unused data accumulates for up to 12 months, until used up or expires.

  • Plan 2:

    • 2.5GB CAPPED+ data for $29 per month.

    • Unlimited texts in NZ and Aus.

    • 300 minutes in NZ and Aus.

    • Includes a $5 discount on the Mobile Package.

    • Unused data accumulates for up to 12 months, until used up or expires.


Company : Flip
Website :

Phone : (+64) 800 608 324
Social Networks Facebook Twitter

Flip NZ: Affordable and Reliable Broadband Services

Flip New Zealand provides cost-effective broadband solutions that ensure you stay connected without breaking the bank.

Flip is a leading broadband provider operating in New Zealand, offering affordable and flexible plans to its customers. With a focus on simplicity, value, and customer service, Flip has established itself as a popular choice for consumers seeking a reliable and affordable broadband experience.

Services and Tariffs:

Flip offers a range of broadband services to its customers, including unlimited data plans with various speed options. The company provides flexible plans that cater to the needs of different customers, with options for no contract terms, free installation, and other add-ons. Flip's tariffs are among the most affordable in the market, providing a cost-effective alternative to other providers.


Flip has a broad network coverage across New Zealand, providing reliable services in both urban and rural areas. The company has consistently invested in its infrastructure to improve the quality and speed of its services, ensuring that customers have access to fast and reliable connectivity.

Industry News:

In 2020, Flip was acquired by 2degrees, a leading telecommunications company in New Zealand. The acquisition was a significant move for both companies, providing added value to customers and helping to further establish their positions in the market.


Flip is an affordable and customer-focused broadband provider in New Zealand, offering a range of plans to meet the needs of its customers. With a commitment to simplicity, value, and customer service, Flip remains a popular choice for consumers seeking a reliable and affordable broadband experience.

Plans :

  • $25 Setup Fee: One-time payment of $25 for initial setup. No other costs if you bring your own modem.

  • Unlimited fiber for just $14/week: Offers unlimited fiber for just $14/week. An economical plan that includes all the necessary data without additional costs.

  • No expensive fixed contracts: There are no expensive fixed contracts associated.

  • Unlimited data: Offers unlimited data.

  • Average download 30 or 50 Mbps*: Estimated average download speeds of 30 or 50 Mbps during national peak hours, with the possibility of experiencing higher or lower speeds.


Company : RSM
Website :

Phone : (+64) 3 962 2603

RSM (Radio Spectrum Management) in New Zealand: Facilitating a Connected Nation

  • In New Zealand, the RSM (Radio Spectrum Management) is the government agency responsible for efficiently managing the radio spectrum. The agency plays a critical role in ensuring the allocation, regulation, and optimal use of radio frequencies, which are vital for various wireless communication services.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Guardians of the Spectrum: RSM serves as the guardians of New Zealand's radio spectrum, managing this finite and valuable resource for the benefit of the nation while promoting innovation and ensuring equitable access.

  • Spectrum Allocation and Licensing: RSM oversees the allocation and licensing of radio spectrum frequencies, including those for broadcasting, telecommunications, and wireless technologies, to ensure efficient usage without interference.

  • Enabling Modern Communication: RSM facilitates the deployment of telecommunications networks, broadband services, and mobile communications, connecting communities, businesses, and individuals across New Zealand.

  • Regulatory Oversight: Provides regulatory oversight to safeguard spectrum users' interests, ensuring adherence to standards, promoting fair competition, and protecting consumer rights.

  • Research and Development: Invests in R&D initiatives exploring new technologies and uses of the spectrum to foster growth and development of innovative wireless services.

  • Community Engagement: Actively engages with communities and stakeholders, fostering transparency and utilizing the spectrum for the public good.


  • RSM (Radio Spectrum Management) in New Zealand is the driving force behind the nation's efficient and equitable radio spectrum management. Its work touches many aspects of modern life, from telecommunications to broadcasting. To stay informed about the agency's latest endeavors and initiatives, be sure to visit the official RSM website. Your Source for Radio Spectrum Management Solutions. Discover how RSM New Zealand excels in radio spectrum management, offering expert solutions for efficient and reliable spectrum usage.

Phones in New Zealand

Phones in New Zealand . (64) Find the best mobile phone companies in New Zealand. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. NZ List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
New Zealand : Chatham Islands, Auckland, Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Manawatu-Wanganui, Marlborough, Nelson, Northland, Otago, Southland, Taranaki, Waikato, Wellington, West Coast

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in New Zealand :










What is the best mobile phone company in New Zealand?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in New Zealand.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in New Zealand offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
New Zealand 64 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
New Zealand find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
NZ Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
New Zealand Find address and telephones numbers.
64 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. NZL
Search in New Zealand :

New Zealand

iso2 : NZ
iso3 : NZL
Country : New Zealand
Lat : -40.9006
Long : 174.886
Population : 4822233
Latitude: -40.9006, Longitude: 174.886, ISO: New Zealand (NZ) - Population : 4822233
New Zealand

ISO-Numeric : 554
Country : New Zealand
Capital : Wellington
Area km2 : 268680
Population : 4885500
Continent : OC
Internet : .nz
Currency Code : NZD
Currency Name : Dollar
Phone : 64
Postal Code Format : ####
Postal Code Regex : ^(\d{4})$
Languages : en-NZ,mi
Geo : 2186224
Phones in New Zealand
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Phone companies in New Zealand
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in New Zealand. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in New Zealand. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
New Zealand Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of New Zealand
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White pages in New Zealand
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Oceania New Zealand 2025
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